Information for Home Care Aides

Home Care Aide Application Process

To apply online for Home Care Aide registration, please have a credit card ready and follow the steps below:

1. Access the Guardian Applicant Portal at Home Care Organizations can submit applications on behalf of Home Care Aides using their Guardian account at

2. Create an Account by clicking “Register as a new user.” A temporary password will be sent to your email account. Your Login username is your email address.

3. Enter Application Information. When prompted for a PIN (Personal Identification Number), enter either the Home Care Organization’s PIN (provided by your employer) or enter R38XKSPE (the PIN for independent home care aides).

You will be required to pay a fee of $35.00 to register; payment can be made by debit or credit card. If applicable, await Home Care Organization confirmation.

4. Retrieve the Live Scan Form. Print the pre-populated form and submit fingerprints with a Live Scan vendor.

For questions regarding the application process in Guardian, please contact the Care Provider Management Branch (CPMB) at 1-888- 422-5669 or

To apply via mail for Home Care Aide registration, please have a check or money order ready and complete the following steps:

  1. Print and complete the following form:
    Application for Home Care Aide Registration or Renewal HCS 100 (also available in Spanish)
  2. Mail the completed application (HCS 100) and the $35.00 application fee (via check or money order) to the HCSB at:
    California Department of Social Services
    Home Care Services Branch
    744 P Street, M.S. 9-14-90
    Sacramento, CA 95814
  3. Print and complete the Request for Live Scan Service LIC 9163 form and take it to an authorized Livescan vendor to initiate the background check. For a list of approved Live Scan vendors in your area, please visit the California Department of Justice website.

Home Care Aide Registration Renewal

To renew your registration online, please have a credit card ready and follow the steps below:

1. Access the Guardian Applicant Portal at Home Care Organizations can submit renewal applications on behalf of Home Care Aides using their Guardian account at

2. If you have not created an account before, please click “Register as a new user”. Your Login username is your email address. A temporary password was sent to the email account you used to register.

3. Create Application. For “Request Type” select “Home Care Aide Registry Renewal”.

4. When prompted for a PIN, enter either the Home Care Organization PIN (provided by your employer) or enter R38XKSPE (the PIN for independent home care aides).
You will be required to pay a fee of $35.00 to renew your registration; payment can be made by debit or credit card.

For questions regarding the renewal process in Guardian, please contact the Care Provider Management Branch (CPMB) at 1-888- 422-5669 or

To renew via mail, please have a check or money order ready and complete the following steps:

  1. Print and complete both pages of the following form:
    Application for Home Care Aide Registration or Renewal  HCS 100, (also available in Spanish)
  2. Review the HCS 100 for renewal application instructions.
  3. Mail the completed HCS 100 form and the $35.00 renewal fee (via check or money order) to the HCSB at:
    California Department of Social Services
    Home Care Services Branch
    744 P Street, M.S. 9-14-90
    Sacramento, CA 95814

Disclosure of HCA Personal Information

For all registrations and renewals, the Department is required to provide the name and telephone numbers of Registered HCAs who do not opt-out of this requirement to labor organizations when the labor organization asks for the information. This means that if you do not opt-out of this requirement, your full name and any telephone numbers on file with the Department may be released to a labor organization.

The law states that the labor organization can only use your information for employee organizing, representation, and assistance activities and it also states that the labor organization cannot disclose your information to any other party. However, the Department has no authority over labor organizations or control over what they do with the information. Additionally, if you opt-in at any point during your registration, there is a chance that your name and phone numbers may be provided to a labor organization and the Department cannot retract any personal information once it has been released to the labor organizations.

For further information, see Health and Safety Code section 1796.29(d)-(f).

Contact Us

Community Care Licensing Division
Home Care Services Branch
744 P Street MS 9-14-90
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (877) 424-5778

Home Care Organization Complaints

How can I file a complaint regarding a licensee, staff person, caregiver, or home care organization? Visit the CCLD Complaint Hotline page for contact information and more. Remember, when you report suspected licensing violations, you protect persons in care and perform a service to your community.

Information on reporting suspected abuse or fraud is available on the Reporting page. Local law enforcement and Adult Protective Services or Child Protective Services will be responsible for conducting an investigation.

For general licensing inquiries, contact the HCSB.

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