SHINE Element 9: Partnerships


Guidance for implementing the criteria for Element 9, Partnerships, of the Preschools Shaping Healthy Impressions through Nutrition and Exercise (SHINE) program.

Criteria for Element 9, Partnerships

  1. Establish partnerships with families to support a healthy eating and physical activity environment at the site.

  2. Establish national, state, and local partnerships to support a healthy eating and physical activity environment at the site.

Family members are a child’s first nutrition teachers. Family members have a significant influence on helping children to develop healthy eating and physical activity habits. It is critical for child care programs to share their nutrition and physical activity program policies and communicate in ways that respect the cultures and customs of families and the community. In this way, families can become allies in promoting and supporting the policies and practices of the center or family child care home. Partnerships with the community are also beneficial in promoting healthy habits in young children.

Follow the practices below to meet the criteria for Element 9

  1. Establish partnerships with families to support a healthy eating and physical activity environment at the site
    Involve families using one or more of the strategies listed below:

    • Recruit families to participate in special work groups or committees to promote children’s health.

    • Invite parents to share their expertise and skills in building healthy nutrition and physical activity environments. For example, a parent who enjoys gardening can teach children how to regrow vegetable scraps.

    • Provide information on nutrition, physical activity, screen time, and gardening through the preschool’s wellness policy, newsletters, the program’s website, handouts, or on the back of menus. If possible, provide information in each family’s home language.

    • Send menus home or post them where families can easily see them.

    • Invite families to share healthy recipes and participate in cooking activities with children.

    • Include nutrition education and physical activity topics on family nights. Consider inviting a Registered Dietitian as a guest speaker.

    • Provide families with guidance for contributing healthy foods to celebrations and fund-raising activities. Share a list of healthy food options with parents.

    • Encourage and support family efforts to promote active physical play for their children at home.

    Refer to the Nemours Healthy Kids, Healthy Future 5 Healthy Goals web page for nutrition, physical activity, healthy beverage and reduced screen time resources to share with families.

Another engaging resource to share with families available in English and Spanish are Team Nutrition Nibbles for Health Newsletters for Parents of Young Children that cover a variety of topics from encouraging vegetable consumption, portions for preschools, and tips for a “choosy” eater.

2. Establish national, state, or local partnerships to support a healthy eating and physical activity environment at the site

     Form community partnerships using one or more of the strategies listed below:

  • Request national, state, or local community partners to help provide wellness information for child care staff.
  • Request nutrition and physical activity educational materials from national, state, or local organizations.
  • Inform families about local resources:

  • Work with local college staff members to determine how students studying nutrition could help support the program in improving its nutrition and physical activity environment.
  • Ask local farmers or farmers market vendors for help in classroom nutrition education activities. To locate a farmers market in your area, visit the CDPH Farmers’ Markets web page.

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Questions:  Preschools SHINE Program |

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Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

Last updated: January 2022

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