Disaster CalFresh
Disaster CalFresh, known federally as the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP), provides temporary food benefits to disaster victims who were not eligible for regular CalFresh benefits at the time of the disaster.
October 2021 Disaster CalFresh
In response to the wildfires burning across the state, Disaster CalFresh will be available to individuals and families who either lived or worked in the following counties and experienced a disaster related impact, such as evacuation expenses or loss of income from work:
- Lassen
- Nevada
- Placer
- Plumas
- Tehama
- Trinity
Am I Eligible?
Even if you are not eligible for CalFresh food benefits, you may be eligible for Disaster CalFresh food benefits if you:
- Spent money because of the wildfire, including paying for hotel, gas or other evacuation expenses; or
- Lost food because of the wildfire or related power outage; or
- Lost money from work because of the wildfire; or
- Spent money because of damage to your home or business.
And you lived or worked in the above-mentioned counties on these specific dates:
- Lassen, Plumas, and Tehama Counties between July 14, 2021 - August 13, 2021
- Trinity County between July 30 – August 29, 2021
- Nevada or Placer Counties between August 4 - September 3, 2021
How Do I Apply?
Because of the pandemic emergency, Disaster CalFresh will be operated primarily by phone. The application process includes a phone interview and submission of proof of identity. A Social Security Number is not required to apply.
Eligible Californians can apply during the application period only.
The application period for Lassen, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Tehama, and Trinity counties is Oct 18-22 and Oct 25-26, 2021. For Lassen, Nevada, Plumas, Tehama, and Trinity Counties, you can apply online at www.benefitscal.com. For Placer County, you can apply online at www.mybenefitscalwin.org.
You can apply by phone by calling your local county social services office, using the phone numbers below:
Phone Number
Disaster CalFresh Eligibility in Detail
Eligible households must have lived or worked in the disaster area at the time of the disaster.
Purchase Food
To be eligible, households must plan on purchasing food during the disaster benefit period.
Adverse Effect
The household must have experienced one of the following adverse effects because of the disaster:
- Damage to home or self-employment property
- Disaster-related expenses
- A disruption in income
- Inaccessible liquid resources
- Loss of food because of the disaster
Income and Resources
Income and resources must be counted in order to determine eligibility for Disaster. The total net (take-home) income received during the benefit period plus accessible liquid resources, minus eligible disaster-related expenses, must not exceed the disaster gross income limit. Click to view disaster gross income limits for the period of 10/01/2020-09/30/2021.
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