Frequently Asked Questions About CDSS

- How do I apply for public assistance benefits?
Applications for all public assistance programs, including
Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs), Refugee
Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal, In-Home Supportive
Adoptions, Foster Care, Employment Programs, and General
Relief are processed by the local county welfare department.
Check the County Government section of your telephone directory
for the location of the office in your county.
- How do I apply for Social Security
At the Social Security Administration. Check the United States
Government section of your telephone directory for the location
of the office in your community, or call (800) 772-1213.
- How do I apply for Supplemental Security
Supplementary Payment Program benefits?
At the Social Security Administration. Check the United States
Government section of your telephone directory for the location
of the office in your community, or call (800) 772-1213.
- How do I apply for Medicare benefits?
At the Social Security Administration. Check the United States
Government section of your telephone directory for the location
of the office in your community, or call (800) 772-1213.
- What is the CalWORKs Program?
CalWORKs gives cash aid and services to families with an
needy child(ren) who is deprived because of the absence,
or death of a parent or unemployment of the principal earner when
both parents are in the home. Needy caretaker relatives of a
child receiving either Foster Care or Supplemental Security
Income/State Supplementary Payment Program benefits may also
be eligible for cash aid.
CalWORKs has a cumulative 60-month time limit on receipt of cash
aid and requires recipients to meet strict work participation
Families receiving cash aid are required to obtain immunizations
all pre-school children and all school-age children are required
attend school regularly. After five years on aid, a safety
net will provide aid to the children only.
- What must you do to get cash aid?
You must give the county facts and proof to show you are
eligible for CalWORKs. Your facts are computer matched with
facts from tax, welfare, employment, the Social Security
Administration, and other agency records. Differences in facts
may be checked out with employers, banks, and others.
You must cooperate with the county, state and federal staff.
A county worker can come to your home at any time to check out
your facts, including seeing each family member, without calling
ahead of time. You may not get benefits or your benefits may be
stopped if you do not cooperate.
- How much cash aid do you get?
The maximum aid payment you can get depends on your eligible
family size, income and the region you live in.
- How long will it take to get the first CalWORKs
If you are eligible for cash aid and provide all the facts asked
for, your check should be mailed to you within 45 days from
the date you applied.
- What is the property limit in the CalWORKs
For applicants and recipients, there is a $3,000 property limit
the assistance unit has at least one member who is 60 years of
or older, and $2,000 for all other assistance units, with one
being excluded if not over the vehicle exclusion limit of
Also, recipients can save up to $5,000 in restricted accounts to
a home, start a business, or pay for college or vocational
for any member of the assistance unit.
Child Care
- If I am on CalWORKs cash assistance, when am I eligible
for child care benefits?
If you are receiving CalWORKs cash assistance and are in one of
the following situations, you could be eligible for child care
- You are attending a county welfare department-approved
education or training program;
- You are working and need child care;
- You are a teen participating in Cal-Learn; or
- You choose to refuse a cash aid payment and need child
- Would I be eligible for child care benefits if I
off cash assistance?
Child care benefits may be provided to permit a parent or adult
in a
formerly-aided family to accept, continue or retain employment
up to two years after the family exits the CalWORKs Program.
- Who can I call for more information about child care
families at risk of going on cash assistance, or for
families transitioning out of CalWORKs?
You can call the CalWORKs Child Care Program information
toll-free telephone number at 1-800-998-9114.
- How can I find out about subsidized child care
If you are on CalWORKs cash assistance, you can contact your
worker at the county welfare department. If you are not in the
Program, you can contact your local Resource and Referral Agency
obtain this information.
- What is Trustline?
Trustline is a registry for license-exempt child care providers
may include nannies and babysitters. It provides a unique and
service to those who wish to have their children cared for in
their own
homes or in the home of the provider and who wish to check the
caregiver's criminal and child abuse record histories. Trustline
through the Department of Justice, the California Criminal
History file and the
Child Abuse Central Index, to see if a license-exempt child care
has a record of criminal convictions or substantiated reports of
child abuse.
Applicants for Trustline have been denied registry for some of
following reasons: murder, assault, neglect, sexual and physical
abuse, etc.
Food Stamps
- What is Welfare-to-Work?
The intent of the Welfare-to-Work Program is to assist
who are receiving assistance through the CalWORKs Program to
as rapidly as possible from dependency on public assistance into
employment and self-sufficiency. Under the CalWORKs Program,
adult recipients
of aid, unless exempted, are required to meet work requirements
by participating
in welfare-to-work activities, in order to maintain their portion
of the
assistance unit's grant. Supportive services are provided to
individuals participate in their required program activities or
accept work.
Within the 60-month time limit, applicants will be eligible for
cumulative months and current recipients will be eligible for 24
cumulative months of aid. Aid can continue after the 18-and
cumulative time limits, if the county certifies that there is no
currently available and the recipient participates in community
Counties may also extend the 18-month time limit for up to 6
months if the
extension is likely to result in unsubsidized employment or
is not available in the local labor market.
- What type of educational, employment and training
services are offered through Welfare- to-Work?
Job search services - includes supervised job search,
unsupervised job search, job placement, job development, job
and employment counseling. In these activities, Welfare-to-Work
participants learn how to prepare job applications and resumes,
interview properly and find job openings.
Subsidized employment - includes on-the-job training,
employment, or supported work, in which Welfare-to-Work
participants are
placed into public or private sector jobs where they receive
supervision and counseling to learn job duties and good work
All or part of the recipient's CalWORKs cash aid is used to help
pay for the
wages that the participant receives.
Vocational training - includes specific job skills that
are in
demand in the county - welding, cosmetology, food service,
Self-initiated placement (in certain situations) - If a
recipient/applicant is already enrolled in an undergraduate
degree or
certificate training program that leads to employment before
being required to
participate in Welfare-to-Work, he/she may be allowed to remain
in that program
as his/her self-initiated placement, subject to the following
- The program is scheduled to be completed within 18 or 24
- The participant is making satisfactory progress in the
- A determination is made that the education or training
program will
likely lead to self-supporting employment; and
- The participant does not already possess a baccalaureate
unless he/she is pursuing a California regular classroom teaching
Adult basic education - includes any of the following
services that are necessary for the participant to obtain
- Reading, writing, arithmetic, and high school proficiency or
General Education Development (GED) certificate instruction;
- English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction.
Work Experience - A nonpaid welfare-to-work activity
that helps provide basic job skills, enhances existing job
skills in a position related to the participant's experience, or
provides a needed community service that will lead to
employment. Participants may be assigned to obtain work
experience in
public agencies as well as private sector businesses. Wages are
paid to work-experience participants, but they do continue to
receive CalWORKs benefits.
- What type of supportive services does Welfare-to-Work
Because Welfare-to-Work staff understand that participants may
need more than
just training and job counseling to be successful in the
Program, each county will help arrange and/or pay for child care,
work-related or training-related expenses, and certain personal
related to problems that affect the outcome of the individual's
in welfare-to-work activities. In some counties, Welfare-to-Work
may also receive case management services and supportive services
for up to
12 months after they become employed, regardless of whether the
employment results in ineligibility for aid.
- Who must participate?
Every adult CalWORKs recipient who is not exempt is required to
participate in Welfare-to-Work.
- Who doesn't have to participate?
Certain persons do not have to participate in Welfare-to-Work
of special individual and/or family circumstances. Persons are
from Welfare-to-Work participation if they are:
- Under 16 years old or 60 years old or older;
- Sixteen (16) or 17 years old and go to school (not
full-time, unless enrolled in school as part of the
Welfare-to-Work Program;
- Physically or mentally unable to work or participate in a
activity on a regular basis for at least 30 calendar days.
- The nonparent relative caretaker of a child who is a
dependent or
ward of the court, or a child at risk of being placed in foster
- Staying at home to take care of individual(s) in the
who can't take care of themselves if that keeps the recipient
working or participating in a welfare-to-work activity on a
regular basis.
- The parent or caretaker relative of a child six months old
under (or, depending on the county, for a child 12 weeks old or
under or for a child 12 months old or younger). This exemption
may be
applied only one time under the CalWORKs Program. A subsequent
for the birth of another child or adoption of another child six
months old or
younger will be granted for a period of 12 weeks (or , depending
on the county,
for a period up to six months). In addition, this exemption does
not apply to
individuals who are required to participate in the Cal-Learn
- Pregnant and the individual provides medical verification
she is unable to work or participate in a welfare-to-work
on a regular basis for at least 30 calendar days.
- Where do I call for more information on
Persons who wish to obtain more information on Welfare-to-Work
should contact
their county welfare department.
- What is Cal-Learn?
Cal-Learn is a program designed for pregnant and parenting teens
receiving CalWORKs benefits to help them stay in or return to
school and
obtain a high school diploma or equivalent degree. Each teen in
Cal-Learn is
assigned a case manager to help them identify issues and problems
they may
face and help them obtain services if necessary. Teens in the
program are
eligible for bonuses or sanctions (financial incentives or
based on report card grades. Cal-Learn also helps with child
transportation expenses and certain educational expenses.
- Who is eligible for Cal-Learn?
Pregnant and parenting teens under the age of 19 are eligible for
if they are receiving CalWORKs benefits and do not have their
high school
diploma or its equivalent. As of January 1, 1998, Cal-Learn
will be able, on a voluntary basis, to continue Cal-Learn
through the age of 19, as long as they have not yet graduated
from high
school or its equivalent. To be eligible to continue in the
Cal-Learn Program,
the 19-year-old teen parent must be participating, full time, in
a program
leading toward a high school diploma or its equivalent.
- What does the case manager do?
It is the responsibility of the Cal-Learn case manager to assess
health, education, and social service needs of the teen parent
assist the Cal-Learn teens and their families in obtaining needed
services. The case manager works with the teen parent in
needs and problems and in finding ways to meet those needs.
- When does Cal-Learn pay for child care and
Cal-Learn will pay for child care and transportation for the teen
parent to
attend case management meetings, orientation and school. All
services that are necessary to enable the teen parent to attend
regularly will be reimbursed.
- What kinds of educational expenses does Cal-Learn pay
Cal-Learn pays for necessary educational expenses for the teen to
school. For example, Cal-Learn pays for lab fees, books and
costs to
take the General Education Development (GED) test.
- How do you earn a bonus if you are in the Cal-Learn
Teen parents in Cal-Learn must turn in their report cards to
their case
manager and can earn up to four $100 bonuses or sanctions per
year based on
how they do in school. Report cards reflecting satisfactory
progress ("C"
average or better) earn a $100 bonus. Report cards reflecting
less than
adequate progress (less than a "D" average) receive a $100
A $500 bonus is awarded if the teen graduates while participating
in Cal-Learn.
- What happens when you are in Cal-Learn and graduate from
high school?
If you earn your high school diploma or equivalent while you are
in the Cal-Learn Program, you will receive a $500 graduation
bonus. You will
no longer be eligible for Cal-Learn once you graduate; however,
you will be
expected to participate in Welfare-to-Work activities and will be
eligible for
GAIN supportive services based on your assigned activity.
- Is Cal-Learn being evaluated?
Yes. The Cal-Learn Program, part of the California Work Pays
Project, is being evaluated to see how effective the application
of bonuses
and sanctions, and the provision of case management are in
assisting and
encouraging teen parents to attend school and graduate.
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
- How do I apply for IHSS?
To apply for IHSS contact your local county welfare or social
agency in your area.
- How does the IHSS Program work?
A county social worker will interview you at your home to
determine your
eligibility and need for IHSS. Based on your ability to safely
perform certain
tasks for yourself, the social worker will assess the types of
services you
need and the amount of time which the county will authorize for
each of these
services. This assessment will include information given by you
and, if
appropriate, by your family, friends, physician or other health
You will be notified if IHSS benefits have been approved or
denied. If
denied, you will be notified of the reason for the denial. If
approved, you
will be notified of the services and the number of hours per
month which have
been authorized for you. If you are approved for IHSS, you must
hire someone
(your individual provider) to perform the authorized services.
You are
considered your provider's employer and, therefore, it is your
responsibility to
hire, train, supervise and fire this individual.
If your county has contracted IHSS providers you may choose to
services provided by the contractor. If your county has
homemaker employees you
may receive services from a county homemaker.
- Who is eligible for IHSS?
A person must be disabled, age 65 or older or blind and unable to
safely at home without help or financially unable to purchase
needed services.
- What are other eligibility criteria for IHSS?
- You must be a citizen of the United States or a qualified
You must also be a California resident.
- You must live at home or an abode of your own choosing
(acute care
hospital, long-term care facilities, and licensed community care
facilities are not considered "own home").
- Your personal property may not exceed $2,000 for an
individual or $3,000 for a couple.
- Personal property that is considered in determining your
resources includes
cash on hand, checking and savings accounts, the value of stocks,
trust deeds, real property (other than the home you own and live
automobile and recreational vehicles, promissory notes and
- Personal property that is not considered in determining your
resources includes the home you own and in which you live, one
automobile needed for transportation to medical appointments or
and all life insurance policies if the combined face value is
$1,500 or less.
- If you do not receive SSI/SSP Program benefits, your income
will be
used to determine your eligibility for IHSS. Depending on the
amount of
your income, you may be required to pay for a portion of your
IHSS benefits (Share of Cost).
- What services are available?
IHSS provides a wide range of services, which may include
shopping, cooking, laundry and personal care.
- Are medical services provided to IHSS recipients?
IHSS recipients are automatically eligible for Medi-Cal for their
medical/health care. For most people who qualify for IHSS, the
are paid under the Personal Care Services Program (PCSP) which is
part of
Medi-Cal. The State of California may have the right to recover
from your
estate, if any, the cost of all Medi-Cal benefits received after
age 55.
- How are IHSS payments made?
The current IHSS hourly rate set by State law is $5.75 per hour.
The State
issues all checks for individual provider payments. If the
qualifies, the State withholds the applicable amounts for
insurance and Social Security taxes.
You and your provider must complete, sign, and submit time sheets
verifying the delivery of authorized services for the month. If
you receive
services under the PCSP, you and your provider must complete the
Provider/Enrollment Agreement form. Your provider will not be
paid until
this form is submitted to the IHSS social worker.
Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment
(SSI/SSP) Program
- What is the SSI/SSP Program?
The SSI/SSP Program is a federal/state-funded public assistance
program for
aged, blind or disabled persons who have little or no income and
- How does the SSI/SSP Program work?
If you apply for benefits due to disability or blindness and you
have no
medical source that will furnish your medical records, the Social
Administration (SSA) will send you to a doctor for a specific
test or exam.
SSA then reviews your medical information, verifies other aspects
of your
application (income, resources, etc.) and makes a decision on
whether you
qualify for benefits. In some cases, the disability
determination process
may take many months. If you are determined to be disabled, you
will be paid
for the months you were disabled while the determination process
took place.
After that, you will receive a benefit check each month for as
long as you
qualify. SSA will periodically reverify your eligibility.
If you apply due to your age, SSA verifies your age and other
aspects of
your application (income, resources, etc.) and makes a decision
on whether
you qualify for benefits. If you qualify, you will receive a
monthly check
from SSA for as long as you continue to qualify. SSA will
reverify your eligibility.
If SSA determines that you do not qualify to receive SSI/SSP
Program benefits,
you will be given information on appealing that decision.
- What are the income limits?
Your monthly income, after certain amounts are disregarded by
SSA, cannot
be greater than the maximum monthly SSI/SSP benefit amount.
Income is
anything you receive in cash or in-kind which can be used or sold
meet your needs for food, clothing and shelter. As noted above,
income is not counted in determining eligibility. An SSA claims
will review your application and verify your income to determine
if you
meet the program's income limits.
- What are the resource limits?
The resources you own cannot be greater than $2,000 for an
individual or
$3,000 for a couple. Resources are cash or other property (real
or personal)
which you can convert to cash for your support. Some examples
are stocks,
bonds, mutual funds, mortgages, bank accounts, household goods,
boats and vehicles, or land.
Some resources are not counted in determining your eligibility,
such as your
principal place of residence (regardless of value), your car (if
it is
used to provide necessary transportation or if it does not exceed
a certain
value), and household goods and personal effects of reasonable
- Are medical services provided to SSI/SSP Program
Yes. If you are eligible for SSI/SSP Program benefits, you
receive benefits under the Medi-Cal Program.
- What is the definition of "blindness"?
Under SSI/SSP Program rules blindness means that you are
statutorily blind.
Statutorily blind means you have central visual acuity of 20/200
or less in your
best eye with the use of corrective lens. This definition also
applies to
children. Your doctor can tell you if you are statutorily blind.
In order to
meet eligibility based on blindness, you may submit proof from a
doctor or
other medical person accepted by SSA, or SSA can request the
proof from your
doctor with your permission. SSA then reviews this information
to determine if you qualify.
- What is the definition of "disabled"?
SSI/SSP Program rules define disabled to mean that you are unable
to do
any substantial gainful activity because of a mental or physical
which can be expected to last for a continuous period of at least
12 months or
result in death. Substantial gainful activity generally means
with wages in excess of $500 per month.
For children under age 18, disabled means there is medical
evidence of a
severe physical or mental impairment which limits the child's
ability to
function and the impairment is expected to last for a continuous
period of at least 12 months.
In order to meet eligibility based on a disability, you must
proof from a doctor or other medical person accepted by the SSA,
or SSA
can request the proof from your doctor with your permission. SSA
then reviews this information to determine if you qualify.
- What happens to SSI/SSP recipients who become
residents of
public institutions, such as State hospitals, jails, prisons,
hospitals, or any other place operated or controlled by the
State or local government?
Individuals incarcerated or hospitalized in State or veterans
are not eligible to receive SSI/SSP Program benefits because
their needs are
met by the public institutions.
- Which noncitizens qualify?
A noncitizen qualifies if he/she is lawfully admitted for
residence in the United States (U.S.) and:
- Is a refugee, asylee, Cuban/Haitian entrant or Amerasian
in his/her first 7 years of U.S. residency; or
- Is an active duty member of or an honorably-discharged
of the U.S. Armed Forces, or is the spouse or unmarried dependent
child of such a person; or
- Has worked and earned 40 quarters of credit under Social
Work credits earned by a spouse, or by a parent while the
noncitizen was
under 18, may also count toward the 40 quarters of Social
Security credits; or
- Was already receiving SSI/SSP Program benefits when the
eligibility law
was changed on August 22, 1996; or
- Is a noncitizen member of specified Indian tribes, or native
American who
comes under Section 289 of the Immigration and Naturalization
Act; or
- Was residing in the United States as of August 22, 1996, and
is determined
disabled (including blind), regardless of the onset date of the
disability; or
- Is an SSI/SSP recipient who filed his/her application before
January 1, 1979, and the SSA has no clear and convincing evidence
that he or
she does not meet the current eligibility standards.
Supplemental Security Income/Social Security Disability
Insurance (SSI/SSDI) Program
- Why do I have to see one of your doctors when my doctor has
already certified me disabled?
The SSA requires us to document your disability based on medical
This evidence, consisting of specific signs, symptoms, tests and
findings can normally be obtained from your doctor, hospital,
psychologist or
other treating source. If you have no treating source, or have
not been
treated recently, or if there are gaps or conflicts in the
medical evidence,
we may ask you to see one of our consultative doctors. Sometimes
we may need
special tests performed that your doctor does not have. Or, your
may require the attention of a doctor who specializes in health
such as yours. At no time will you be charged for a consultative
We will gladly share the report with your doctor if you wish us
to do so.
- My doctor says I cannot work. How can SSA find that I can
and besides, who is going to hire me?
Disability for SSA benefits or SSI/SSP Program benefits cannot be
solely on your doctor's opinions. We must have the objective
medical evidence
that your doctor used to reach an opinion. This information is
joined with other
medical information and information about your ability to
function and work
gathered from your other sources. At the point we have a clear
"picture" of your
current impairments, we compare this picture with very strict
standards Congress and the
SSA have set up in regulations. If the impact of your
impairments does not
meet the severity levels required, you will not be granted
benefits. Even if your
impairment may prevent you from working at your previous job, you
may be
capable of doing other work.
Individual and Family Grant Program
- If a disaster victim has registered with the Federal
Management Agency (FEMA), must he/she apply separately for an
Individual and Family Grant Program (IFGP) grant?
No. Registering with FEMA over the telephone enables an
applicant to be
referred to all appropriate disaster assistance agencies.
However, to be
eligible for IFGP assistance, applicants must accept all
offered from other sources.
- If an applicant is offered, but feels he cannot afford
a Small
Business Administration (SBA) loan, can he/she instead apply for
an IFGP grant?
No. Assistance must be accepted from all other sources prior to
receiving a grant.
The SBA determines if an applicant has the ability to repay a
loan. If the SBA
determines an applicant is unable to repay a loan, their
application may
automatically be forwarded to the IFGP.
- What categories of assistance does the IFGP
The IFGP determines grant eligibility for medical/dental
expenses, housing repairs,
personal property losses, transportation, funeral, moving and
storage expenses.
- Will the IFGP cover all of my losses in these
No. The IFGP only covers basic necessities and essential
services within each
category. Assistance is based on medium grade items, materials,
equipment and services.
- How does the IFGP determine the amount of the
Real and personal property awards are based on a FEMA Inspection
Report and
Federally-approved IFGP guidelines. Other categories require
documentation from the applicant verifying disaster relatedness
and the dollar
amount of the loss or expense. However, the IFGP does not
restore applicants to
their pre-disaster status and does not cover real property
upgrades, luxury,
nonessential, or decorative items. The IFGP has preestablished
maximum awards
for grant assistance.
- How long will it take to receive my IFGP grant
Each case is processed as expeditiously as possible. Once an
award letter is
issued, a check for the amount of the grant will be issued within
twenty days.
- Do I have to pay the money back?
No. The funds do not have to be repaid unless the monies were
not spent
according to the IFGP guidelines or it is determined that the
was or could have been duplicated from another source.
- What is the average IFGP grant award?
Grant amounts are established annually by the FEMA. The majority
grants are between $200 and $2,000. Grants are only given for
serious needs and
necessary expenses as a direct result of the disaster.
- Can an IFGP applicant appeal a grant
Yes. All applicants have the right to appeal a determination
made by the IFGP.
An appeal process notice is provided to all IFGP applicants
describing the
appeal process. An appeal must be submitted in writing no later
60 days from the date on the appeal process notice.
Emergency Food Assistance Program
- If a person or family needs food, how can they obtain
If they meet the Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP)
eligibility requirements
and need food to prepare meals at home, they can contact the
local EFAP
agency by phone or by email
at the CDSS Authorized Food Distributing Agencies web page . Look for the agency's listing in the business
section of the
local telephone directory. Most of these organizations are also
listed in the
"Social Service Organization" section of telephone directory
Congregate Feeding Agencies (CFA) for homeless individuals are
also listed in this section.
Please note that people seeking meals at CFA's are expected to
eat them in the CFA's
dining room. Similarly, if someone receives EFAP food for
household use, it must be
used to prepare meals at home. It may not be sold, traded or
- What types of food products are available?
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides a
variety of
wholesome, nutritious food items, including canned fruits,
juices, beans, meats and packaged grains. Specific items vary
from one
year to the next, but generally include food such as peanut
butter, kernel
corn, green beans, macaroni, spaghetti and rice. The CDSS
these USDA food products with fresh and packaged items donated by
food growers, packers and resellers. Specific items vary
depending upon
the season, harvest and market conditions. Likely
donations include gourmet lettuce mixes and baked goods. Most
are packed in family-sized packages, such as 16 to 48 ounce cans
and 1- to 2- pound packages.
- Why isn't there any cheese on the available food
products list?
California has not received dairy products from the USDA in many
years. The EFAP
was originally intended to help USDA maintain its product price
programs by distributing surplus food items to the needy. Cheese
was a
commodity that the USDA provided in the past when significant
surpluses threatened to ruin the market. To keep dairy prices
stable, the
USDA obtained the excess dairy production and turned it into
items like nonfat
dry milk, cheese and butter. Since there is no longer a dairy
surplus, the
EFAP rarely receives any dairy items and has not received any in
- How much food is available?
The EFAP was originally designed as a supplementary food program
intended to
augment the purchased food items of households. Historically,
the EFAP has
received surplus food resulting from over-production in addition
purchased food designed to round out the USDA's overall offering
of products.
As a result, the amount of food that California has received has
varied depending
upon what surplus products have been available.
For example, in 1984, California received 1 billion pounds of
USDA food.
Currently, now that surpluses have dried up, the State receives
only 16 million pounds annually.
- Does every person receive the same types and amounts
of food?
California never receives enough of any one product at any one
time to distribute
it to every household or CFA in the state. Instead, the CDSS
makes every effort to
distribute what it does receive so that each authorized EFAP
agency gets its fair share.
This often means that one household, or CFA, gets corn while
another gets green beans.
Also, larger households and recipient agencies may receive more
of one item than smaller households.
- How can an emergency feeding organization become a
EFAP food distribution agency?
The first step an agency must take is to get its County Board of
Supervisors to
formally designate it as the county's EFAP food distributing
agency. The Board must
pass a resolution, a copy of which must be provided to CDSS. As
long as the
agency meets all Federal and State eligibility requirements, the
CDSS will
adopt it as an authorized EFAP food distributing agency.
Currently, 51
counties have designated EFAP food distributing agencies.
Usually, a county
designates only one agency to be authorized. However, three
County Boards of
Supervisors (Orange, Los Angeles and Sacramento) have designated
two agencies in
each county. Also, some counties have developed cooperative
agreements to
provide services to other counties. For example, the Butte
County agency also
serves Colusa, Glenn, Plumas and others.
- If an emergency feeding agency is not the county's
EFAP agency, can it still get EFAP food for its recipients and
recipient agencies?
Generally, any agency that is a nonprofit organization or
government agency
may be eligible if it has a primary purpose to provide food to
households or to serve congregate meals to the homeless. The
agency must
apply to the authorized EFAP food distributing agency in the
county where
the agency is located. Any emergency feeding agencies, such as
soup kitchens,
homeless shelters, women's shelters, food pantries and food
closets, which are
not already receiving EFAP food through the authorized EFAP
agency in their
county, should contact that agency to apply.
- What are the record-keeping requirements for an
authorized EFAP agency?
There are various reports and reporting forms that must be
maintained which include:
- perpetual inventory records documenting incoming and
outgoing commodities;
- distribution records accounting for food given to households
and recipient
agencies, including food closets, pantries, CFA's, etc.;
- activity reports including summary information about the
numbers of
households and persons served.
In addition, authorized EFAP food distributing agencies must
maintain records of
agreements with subdistribution agencies, expenses and other
program-related data.
- Are food distribution agencies reimbursed for their
expenses for operating the EFAP?
CDSS-authorized food distributing agencies, which provide
county-wide EFAP services
to recipients and recipient agencies, receive reimbursement to
help offset
some of the costs of operating the program. This reimbursement
is paid from
EFAP Federal funds totaling about $5.8 million annually. This
amount is less
than authorized EFAP agencies spend to operate the program. As a
subdistribution agencies, such as food closets, pantries and
receive no reimbursement.
- Who decides which agencies will receive this
On a county-by-county basis, the CDSS distributes food among the
(designated by the County Boards of Supervisors) that are
authorized to
distribute EFAP food. This distribution is done on the basis of
a "fair share"
formula that takes into account factors such as the number of
people being
served in each county as well as the number living in poverty and
This method ensures that, regardless of where needy people
reside, they will
have equal access to EFAP food in their local communities. It is
then up to
the authorized EFAP agencies in the counties to redistribute the
food among
local emergency feeding organizations such as CFA's and food
- Does the State of California fund the EFAP
No. This program is funded entirely with Federal funding. No
State money
is provided to support these services or purchase additional
- What protections does the Department provide to
ensure that
authorized EFAP agencies properly handle and distribute USDA and
donated food?
Reports are submitted and maintained by each authorized EFAP
agency that show
where and how much food has been distributed. These reports are
monitored by Department staff. In addition, State staff perform
on-site reviews of food distribution agencies to ensure that EFAP
rules are
followed and that food is received, stored, handled, distributed
accounted for properly. This way the Department ensures that
gets to the persons for whom it is intended.