Assembly Bill (AB) 977 Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Entry


Pursuant to Assembly Bill 977 (AB 977), the State of California requires grantees of state funded homelessness programs to enter specific data elements related to individuals and families into their local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). The data made available by these reporting standards will create a more accurate account of the individuals and families served by the homelessness response system. This data will result in a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of state funded homelessness programs and allow for better informed policy decisions and will allow Cal ICH and administering agencies and departments to track AB 977 compliance and develop reports from California’s Homeless Data Integration System (HDIS), a state data warehouse that integrates data from local HMIS systems.

The California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) and CDSS Housing and Homelessness Division (HHD) in partnership with Abt Associates (“Abt”), the technical assistance provider for AB 977 implementation, have provided resources and FAQs to assist grantees with HMIS project set up and data entry. Technical assistance from Abt Associates is available to help grantees identify and connect with contacts at their CoCs and HMIS Lead Agencies and answer additional questions about HMIS set up and entry. For assistance, please email

Housing Support Program (HSP), Bringing Families Home (BFH), and Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) Grantees: Grantees or entities operating CDSS’s homelessness programs (including subgrantees) that commenced before July 1, 2021, are required to setup projects in HMIS with the project setup requirements outlined in this document and enter data for clients currently housed or receiving services from the project in accordance with the timelines described below. New grantees operating projects that commenced on or after July 1, 2021, have a longer time frame to implement the project setup requirements of AB 977.

Home Safe Grantees: Home Safe grantees are not required to meet AB 977 requirements at this time however, CDSS does require Home Safe grantees to enter data into HMIS per CDSS All County Welfare Director Letter dated Oct. 15, 2021. CDSS encourages Home Safe grantees to set up projects in accordance with these requirements. Technical assistance is available to Home Safe grantees who would like to participate in HMIS.

Tribal Grantees: In accordance with Cal ICH AB 977 guidance, CDSS is not requiring tribal grantees to comply with AB 977 requirements at this time. However, technical assistance is available to those tribal grantees that want to enter data into HMIS.

Contact Us

CDSS Housing and Homelessness Branch
744 P Street, MS 8-4-70
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-5155

Resources and Information