Family Connections for Foster Youth, Care Provider Training and Agency Reference Checks, ORD No. 0507-02Restaurant Meals for the Homeless, Elderly and Disabled ORD No. 0107-01The public comment period for this package is closed. Food Stamp Program Recertification Simplification and Statewide Finger Imaging System Exemptions ORD No. 0806-04The public comment period for this package is closed. Training of Child Welfare Workers and Juvenile Probation Workers ORD No. 0705-10The public comment period for this package is closed. Residential Care for the Elderly Section 100 ORD No. 0505-08Effective: 03/12/2008 Expedited Service Benefit Issuance for the Food Stamp Program ORD No. 0806-05 The public comment period for this package is closed.