Activity 5: Improving Quality and Service Integration

During PDG-I in 2019, the team supported peer learning and leadership capacity building among tribal communities to build targeted support for an equitable and culturally relevant quality support system. During PDG-R, the team increased the support and capacity for family, friend, and neighbor caregivers; family child care providers; and home-visiting providers to provide quality care for underserved populations. PDG-P funding allowed continuation of efforts begun with PDG-R funding in 2023.

Activity 5: Improve Overall Quality (PDG-I)

Category: Infrastructure

Status: Complete

During the PDG-I in 2019, the team supported peer learning and leadership capacity building among tribal communities to build targeted support for an equitable and culturally relevant quality support system.

Start Date: 2/1/2019
End Date: 12/30/2019


  • WestEd
  • California Department of Education (CDE)
  • Tribal Child Care Association of California (TCCAC)

Activity 5: Improve Overall Quality and Service Integration (PDG-R)

Category: Infrastructure

Status: Complete

The PDG team increased the support and capacity for family, friend, and neighbor caregivers; family child care providers; and home-visiting providers to provide quality care for underserved populations, particularly infants and toddlers and low-income children and families living in rural and isolated communities and/or experiencing trauma stemming from homelessness, disasters, or other sources.

Activities included the following:

  • Building capacity of local Quality Counts California consortia to assist caregivers and providers
  • Improving early learning and care (ELC) workforce capacity to serve children with or at risk for developmental delays, children with challenging behaviors, and those who have experienced trauma
  • Aligning quality standards across ELC programs and settings
  • Expanding state and tribal partnerships to support high-quality ELC services for tribal families and their children

Start Date: 2/3/2020
End Date: 12/31/23


  • California Department of Education (CDE)
  • WestEd

Activity 5a: Expand Local Quality Counts California Consortia to Build Early Learning and Care and Home-Visiting Capacity (PDG-R)

Category: Families

Status: Complete

In partnership with California Health and Human Services, the California Department of Education utilized PDG-R funding to increase the support and capacity for family, friend, and neighbor (FFN) providers; family child care providers; and home-visiting providers to provide quality care for underserved populations, particularly infants and toddlers and low-income children and families living in rural and isolated communities and/or experiencing trauma stemming from homelessness, disasters, or other sources.

This project was implemented through increased allocations, or subgrants, to the local Quality Counts California (QCC) consortia throughout the state. In developing their plans for more effectively supporting family child care providers, FFN providers, and home visitors, the consortia ensured that these providers were equipped with tools such as adverse childhood experience screenings, early childhood mental health consultation, and other trauma-informed care supports. Additionally, the consortia planned for ensuring smooth transitions from early learning and care to TK–12 to address the needs of children and families eligible for but not serviced by existing programs.

Start Date: 7/1/2020
End Date: 12/31/23

Last Updates:

Through PDG-R funds, the California Department of Education was able to support 49 unique counties and consortia in the mission to improve quality and increase support to all types of child care providers. In December 2022, 19 grantees closed out their grant.

Of the 19 grantees who closed out, 44 percent used PDG-R funding to support local parent cafés. A resounding 50 percent of grantees held trauma-informed care training with PDG-R funds, and 75 percent of grantees used PDG-R funding for literacy activities.

Many grantees used PDG-R funding to provide incentives for community providers to participate in quality activities, which often include monetary incentives, program material, or books for their program. Many of the grantees (75 percent) provided incentives to family, friend, and neighbor providers; 63 percent of grantees provided incentives to family child care providers; and 44 percent of grantees provided incentives to home visitors.

As the grant came to a close in 2023, 30 unique grantees had plans to continue their activities.


  • California Department of Education (CDE)

Activity 5b: Expand Partnership with Tribal Child Care Association of California (PDG-R)

Category: Families

Status: Complete

The PDG-R team created a training and technical assistance plan to improve the quality of interactions in tribal child care.

The team aligned systems to improve trainings from tribal early learning and care to school districts as well as work with the Child Care Resource Center to revise parent café materials and curricula to support tribal parents and ensure tribal cultural relevance.

Start Date: 7/1/2020
End Date: 12/31/23

Last Updates:

The Tribal Child Care Association of California (TCCAC) has made great strides during the PDG-R period. Its Workforce Pathways project has been successful in supporting teachers and staff in tribal child care communities with culturally responsive and respectful professional development and resources.

Additionally, TCCAC has gained a full board of directors and achieved nonprofit status as an organization. The California Department of Education is working closely with TCCAC and looks forward to engaging with TCCAC as it plans and implements a tribal quality improvement system focused on data collection and continuous quality improvement in tribal child care throughout California.


  • California Department of Education (CDE)
  • Tribal Child Care Association of California (TCCAC)

Activity 5c: Expand the California Infant and Early Childhood Consultation (IECMHC) Network (PDG-R)

Category: Providers

Status: Complete

WestEd initiated planning and development in preparation for the delivery of the Reflective Practice and Supervision Training series.

Start Date: 7/1/2020
End Date: 12/31/23

Last Updates:

The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network undertook a variety of activities to expand its reach to support more early learning and care providers in addressing the early mental health and behavioral needs of their students and children:

  • Recruitment for the Reflective Practice and Supervision Training through the Infant Development Association of California and the State Interagency Coordination Council on Early Intervention
  • Facilitation of four groups of monthly community of practice cohorts
  • Facilitation of sessions on the application process for the International Certificate of Core Competency in Reflective Practice and Supervision with 42 applicants
  • Distribution of resource materials for cohort participants
  • Follow up with all cohort participants to ensure successful completion and needed technical assistance


  • WestEd

Activity 5d: Redesign Systems for Quality Improvement, Quality Assurance, and System Equity (PDG-R)

Category: Infrastructure

Status: Complete

The California Department of Education (CDE) redesigned the state’s quality assurance protocols and implemented a multiyear competitive process to ensure accountability and opportunities for continuous improvement.

The CDE also streamlined the state’s quality infrastructure and investments, including Quality Counts California (QCC), and adopted best practices to focus on elements of quality that affect child outcomes.

Start Date: 7/1/2020
End Date: 12/31/23

Last Updates:

The CDE has worked in tandem with state partners to align state agency grants for the upcoming 2023–24 fiscal year. The request for applications for the California State Preschool Program Quality Rating and Improvement System Block Grant was released in spring 2023. The CDE, the California Department of Social Services, and First 5 California have been quality partners in the redesign and streamlining process to ensure all programs are supported by QCC.

As this high-level transformative work moves forward to co-create a quality system that recognizes culture, equity, diversity, and belonging, the CDE is committed to focusing on the elements of quality that ensure accountability and provide opportunities for continuous quality improvement through multitiered systems of support.


  • California Department of Education (CDE)

Activity 5: Support Program Quality Improvement (PDG-P)

Category: Infrastructure/Providers

Status: In progress

WestEd, the California Department of Social Services, and the California Department of Education will work together to support program quality improvement by the following:

  • Increasing the efficacy of the quality improvement system, with greater focus on equity
  • Improving workforce capacity to service children with or at risk of developmental delays
  • Expanding the pool of early learning and care providers trained to support children in need of behavioral health supports, including children experiencing or who have experienced trauma
  • Continuing the ongoing development of the Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) to hold critical statewide early learning and care data for the purpose of sharing, monitoring quality improvement, increasing accountability, and informing policy- and decision-making

Start Date: 4/1/2023


  • Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network (A division of WestEd)
  • California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
  • California Department of Education (CDE)

Activity 5a: Support Program Quality Improvement—IECMHC (PDG-P)

Category: Providers

Status: In progress

The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network expanded infant and early childhood mental health training and consultation to Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs.

Start Date: 4/1/2023


  • Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network (A division of WestEd)

Activity 5b: Support Program Quality Improvement—Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) (PDG-P)

Category: Infrastructure

Status: In progress

The Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) team will implement ongoing cross-state sponsorship and governance with periodic planning and management. The initial focus will be on program and communities of interest collaboration and to source foundational data through data research and analysis by securing an ECIDS solution vendor. As California installs and tests ECIDS technology into state infrastructure for data pipeline solution planning and analysis, embedding technical assistance (TA), there will be multiagency data sourcing and mapping for inclusion in the ECIDS solution. California will have additional use cases that will need to be established to provide insights for data-driven policy decisions for continuing the transformation of California’s ELC B–5 mixed delivery system. 

Start Date: 4/1/2023


  • California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
  • California Department of Education (CDE)