Transitional Housing Programs for Current and Former Foster Youth

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Transitional Housing Placement Program for Minor Foster Children (THPP-M)

The THPP-M is a type of foster care placement for minors between the ages of 16 and 18 years old. The goal of THPP-M is to help participants emancipate successfully by providing a safe environment for youth, while learning skills that can promote self-sufficiency. Participants may live alone, with departmental approval, or with roommates in apartments or single-family dwellings, where a staff member from the housing provider lives on-site to provide supervision and assistance.  Supportive services include, educational guidance, employment counseling, and assistance reaching emancipation goals outlined in a participant’s Transitional Independent Living Plan, the emancipation readiness portion of a youth’s case plan. The youth are encouraged to participate in the Independent Living Program.

THPP-M does not meet the Federal Title IV-E and state foster care definition for federal reimbursement under the Family First Prevention Services Act any longer. If a county chooses to place a minor in this type of placement setting, the county is required to use only county funds to cover the rate/cost. Rates are no longer based on the funding formula in Welfare and Institutions Code 1403(a)(1)(A). The rate is set by each county.

Transitional Housing Placement Program for Non-Minor Dependent (THPP NMD)

Transitional Housing Placement for Non-Minor Dependent, formerly known as THP+FC, was created by Assembly Bill (AB) 12.   It provides housing placement options for non-minor dependents in Extended Foster Care.  This placement option provides transitional housing and supportive services based on a Transitional Independent Living Plan.  AB 12 was authorized by the Federal Public Law 110-351, the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008.  For more information on eligibility and provider requirements please refer to All County Letter 12-44.

The goal of this type of placement is to offer supportive services to assist non-minor dependents in developing skills needed to transition to independent living, which may include assistance with meeting educational goals, obtaining employment, and learning financial management, relationship, and daily living skills.


THPP-NMD providers can offer the following housing models:

  • Host family, where the non-minor dependent lives with a caring adult who has been approved by the transitional housing placement provider
  • Staffed site, where the non-minor dependent lives in an apartment, condominium, or single-family dwelling, rented or leased by the THPP-NMD provider, in which one or more adult employees of the THHPP-NMD provider resides on site
  • Remote site, where the non-minor dependent lives in a single housing unit rented or leased by the housing provider. The non-minor dependent can be a co-lessee on the lease. The non-minor dependent lives independently, but still receives regular supervision from the provider.


Those interested in becoming a provider must contact the county in which they wish to operate to obtain certification. THPP-NMD is certified by the county and those interested in becoming a provider, must get licensed by their regional Community Care Licensing Division. After receiving licensure, the provider may contract with a county(s) to provide the program to eligible non-minor dependents.

To find your local Transitional Housing Coordinator, please contact the Transition Age Youth (TAY) Policy Unit at

Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus)

THP-Plus is a transitional housing program for young adults who exited foster care (including those supervised by the Juvenile Probation) on or after their 18th birthday. This program offers housing and supportive services for 36 cumulative months or until the age of 25, whichever comes first. The housing models and services offered are similar to those offered in THPP, but the rules of the program will be age appropriate for young adults.

The goal of THP-plus is to provide a safe living environment, while helping participants develop the life skills needed to live independently. The program’s goals are achieved by creating a Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) with the participant. The TILP is developed by the young adult and other supportive persons and assists in identifying and detailing the goals and objectives necessary to transition into adulthood.


THPP-Plus providers can offer the following acceptable residential units:

  • Apartments
  • Single family dwellings
  • Condominiums
  • College dormitories
  • Host family models

Important Note: Publicly supervised or privately-operated shelters, or other living situations, including those with friends, family members, and others that provide temporary accommodations are NOT acceptable.


The THP-Plus provider is exempt from licensure, provided that a local fire clearance certification from the applicable county has been obtained. Please refer to California Health and Safety Code, section 1505(l)(4).  General information related to certification standards can be found in California Department of Social Services Manual of Policies and Procedures, section 30-920.

To become a provider, please contact the county in which you wish to operate to obtain certification.

To find your local Transitional Housing Coordinator, please contact the Transition Age Youth (TAY) Policy Unit at

CDSS Notifications Pertaining to Transitional Housing

All County Letters

All County Information Notice

Contact Us

Transition Age Youth Policy Unit
744 P Street, MS 8-13-78
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-7465

THP County Contacts (Coming Soon)

Contact Your County

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