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The Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents Time Limit

Welcome to the CalFresh Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) Time Limit webpage. This page provides general information about the ABAWD time limit in California. 


The President signed the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) into law on June 3, 2023.  The FRA changes the age for people who are subject to the ABAWD time limit.  The FRA also adds new exemptions for people experiencing homelessness, veterans, and persons 24 years or younger who were in foster care on their 18th birthday.  These changes are temporary and will expire on October 1, 2030. More information is available below.

New CalFresh ABAWD Time Limit Rules and Exemptions Beginning September 1, 2023

Beginning September 1, 2023, the FRA made several changes to the CalFresh ABAWD time limit rules. The FRA changes the age for people who are subject to the ABAWD time limit.  The FRA also adds new exemptions for people experiencing homelessness, veterans, and persons 24 years or younger who were in foster care on their 18th birthday.  It is important to note that while these changes were effective September 1, 2023, California is still under a statewide waiver of the ABAWD time limit through October 31, 2024.  This means that

Changes to ABAWD Age Criteria

The FRA gradually increases the age of those subject to the ABAWD time limit as follows:

  • Effective September 1, 2023, the age of those subject to the ABAWD time limit increases to age 50.
  • Effective October 1, 2023, the age of those subject to the ABAWD time limit increases to age 52.
  • Effective October 1, 2024, the age of those subject to the ABAWD time limit increases to age 54.

Changes to ABAWD Exemption Criteria

Additional changes occurring September 1, 2023, include the addition of new exemption criteria.  There are three new groups of individuals who are now considered exempt, or excused, from the ABAWD time limit.  These individuals are veterans, adults up to age 24 who were in foster care on their 18th birthday, and individuals experiencing homelessness.

CalFresh ABAWD Time Limit Questions and Resources

What is the ABAWD Time Limit?

The ABAWD time limit is a federal rule.  People who are considered ABAWDs are limited to 3 full months of CalFresh benefits every 36-months (3 years).  ABAWDs may receive benefits for longer than 3 months if they are working, excused from the time limit, or are living in an area that is waived from the time limit.

People who are ABAWDs must do certain work-related activities to remain eligible for CalFresh for more than 3 months. They must be working or doing approved work activities for at least 80 hours per month. This includes paid work, unpaid work, and in-kind work. In-kind work is working in exchange for a service, such as working off rent. The county can help connect ABAWDs with local work opportunities in the area to meet the ABAWD work rules.

It is important to note that not all counties in California have a time limit, some counties are waived from the ABAWD time limit rules if the county meets certain criteria – like having a high unemployment rate.  Counties that do not meet the criteria to be waived must have the ABAWD time limit rule in place.

Who is an ABAWD?

An ABAWD is a person:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 52*,
    • *On October 1, 2024, the age limit for ABAWDs will increase to 54.
  • Who can work, and
  • Does not have children under age 18 living in the CalFresh household.  

When the ABAWD time limit is in place, ABAWDs must work or participate in a work activity to keep their CalFresh benefits for longer than 3 months, unless a person is excused from ABAWD rules.

How can you be excused from the ABAWD time limit?

You may be excused from the ABAWD time limit if you are:

  • Unable to work at least 20 hours per week or a total of 80 hours or more per month because of a physical or mental health issue.
  • Unable to work at least 20 hours per week or a total of 80 hours or more per month because of a personal issue including if you are:
    • Struggling with a drug or alcohol problem.
    • A victim of domestic violence.
  • Living in a CalFresh household with a child under age 18 (this can be your own child, sibling, or any other child in your CalFresh household).
  • Pregnant (any stage of pregnancy).
  • Experiencing homelessness.
  • A veteran who served in the armed forces of the United States (this includes veterans who were honorably or dishonorably discharged).
  • Under age 25 and were in foster care on your 18th birthday.

ABAWD Time Limit Counties in California

The USDA FNS approved California’s two-year statewide ABAWD time limit waiver request starting November 1, 2022, until October 31, 2024.

This means no ABAWDs living in California will have to meet the work requirement to keep receiving CalFresh benefits. ABAWDs who have lost their CalFresh benefits may reapply and continue to receive CalFresh if otherwise eligible.

Available ABAWD Resources