Rate Reform and Quality

Five children of different genders and ethnicities are laying on their stomachs smiling at the camera.

California is changing how it pays for child care!

To increase positive outcomes for children, families, and the early care and education workforce, California will be setting child care subsidy payment rates informed by the cost of care, moving away from market rates. The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is working with national experts, Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5), to design and implement an alternative methodology process.

California’s alternative methodology process will help the State:

  • Understand how much it costs early care and education providers and programs to provide care and education services.
  • Develop a tool that will help estimate the cost of care based on the information collected from providers and other sources. This tool will estimate the cost of care for different types of programs using variables such as program size, geographic locations, and ages of children served.

If you have any questions about this study and want to connect with a member of the P5 Fiscal Strategies team, please either email P5 or call 217-469-5250.

Five Phases of the Alternative Methodology Process

  1. Engage with diverse families, providers, and communities.
  2. Collect information through surveys, input sessions, & other sources
  3. Develop a tool that uses that information to estimate the cost of care.
  4. Analyze the findings to understand variations in the cost of care.
  5. Inform how the state sets rates and policies.

CDSS Alternative Methodology Approval Request

Alternative Methodology Timeline

Simplified Alternative Methodology Timeline

Joint Labor Management Committee

State Plan

Legislative Report

Office of Child Care Flexibilities Letter

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meetings

The California Department of Social Services has convened a Rate and Quality Advisory Panel to support the alternative methodology process and provide input into the cost study and development of the cost estimation model that will inform rate reform. The panel meets every other month and meetings are open to the public.

Meeting Dates

Please find agendas, recorded sessions, and PowerPoint slides below.

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (September 24, 2024)

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (May 8, 2024)

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (April 8, 2024)

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (March 13, 2024)

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (December 12, 2023)

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (September 15, 2023)

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (July 19, 2023)

Rate & Quality Advisory Panel Meeting (May 15, 2023)

Archived Rate & Quality Stakeholder Workgroup Meetings

Rate & Quality JLMC Single Rate Proposal (November 15, 2022)

Rate and Quality Workgroup Final Report (August 15, 2022)

August 2022

Supplemental Materials and Handouts:

July 2022

Supplemental Materials and Handouts:

Public Feedback to Rate Reform and Quality Workgroup Draft Report

Please see the link below in the “Meeting Notices and Agendas, Recordings, and Supplemental Materials” section for the Draft Report containing the recommendations of the Rate Reform and Quality Workgroup. You may share feedback about this draft report at bit.ly/RateReformReport. This form will be open for public feedback from July 12- July 23, 2022.

Comentarios del Público sobre el Informe Preliminar del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Reforma de Compensación y Calidad

Favor de ver el enlace a continuación en la sección de “Meeting Notices and Agendas, Recordings, and Supplemental Materials” del Reporte Preliminar, donde están contenidas las recomendaciones de la Reforma de Compensación y Calidad del Grupo de Trabajo. Usted puede dar su opinión acerca de este reporte preliminar en bit.ly/RateReformReportSpanish. Este formulario estará disponible para opiniones del público del 12 de julio - al 23 de julio, 2022.


有關包含費率改革和品質工作組建議的報告草稿,請查閱下文「Meeting Notices and Agendas, Recordings, and Supplemental Materials」(會議通知及議程、錄音和補充材料)一節中的連結。可在( bit.ly/RateReformReportChineseTrad)此處分享有關此報告草稿的反饋。此表將於 2022 年 7 月 12 日至 7 月 23 日期間公開徵求公眾意見。


有关包含费率改革和质量工作组建议的报告草稿,请查阅下文“Meeting Notices and Agendas, Recordings, and Supplemental Materials”(会议通知及议程、录音和补充材料)一节中的链接。可在 bit.ly/RateReformReportChineseSimp. 此处分享有关此报告草稿的反馈。此表将于 2022 年 7 月 12 日至 7 月 23 日期间公开征求公众意见。

June 2022

Supplemental Materials and Handouts:

May 2022

Supplemental Materials and Handouts:

April 2022

Supplemental Materials and Handouts:

March 2022

February 2022

Supplemental Materials and Handouts:

January 2022

Contact Us

CDSS Child Care and Development Division
744 P Street M.S. 9-8-360
Sacramento, CA 95814

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