
CCLD Evaluator Manual

The CCLD Evaluator Manual provides a self-contained resource for the application and enforcement of laws, policies and procedures. Utilizing one reference source ensures statewide consistency in the administration of the licensing program.

In addition to containing relevant statutes and regulations, the Evaluator Manual (EM) is divided into the following subject areas for easy reference:

The Evaluator Manual is also used to train new employees of the Community Care Licensing Division's Regional Offices and the county offices that contract with the State to administer the Family Child Care Home and the Foster Family Home programs. The term "Evaluator" is used throughout the manual and includes both State and county licensing workers. State licensing evaluators are also referred to as Licensing Program Analysts. Distinctions between State and county personnel are specified throughout the Evaluator Manual. For specifics regarding the role of the Evaluator, refer to the Reference Material section of the Evaluator Manual (Section 3-4100, Licensing Program Analyst Role). The term "Child Care Facilities" is used throughout the manual and includes both Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes. Section 6253 of the Government Code mandates the Evaluator Manual be available for public inspection at Community Care Regional Offices during regular business hours.