Child and Adult Care Food Program Bulletins

Choose Calendar Year:

2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

Note:  Bulletins are in descending order by release date.


Calendar Year 2023
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
December 2023 Training Requirements  Training Requirements in the CACFP CDSS-CACFP-2023-02
September 2023 Religious Exemptions Religious Exemptions Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 CDSS-CACFP-2023-01


Calendar Year 2021
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
November 2021 Day Care Homes Expansion Funds 2021–22 Day Care Home Expansion Funds Request for Applications CACFP-01-2021
Calendar Year 2020
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
October 2020 Day Care Homes Expansion Funds 2020 21 Day Care Homes Expansion Funds Request for Applications CACFP-03-2020
September 2020 Documentation Requirements Documentation Requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program CACFP-01-2020
July 2020 Nutrition Requirements for Fluid Milk and Fluid Milk Substitutions Nutrition Requirements for Fluid Milk in the CACFP CACFP-02-2020
February 2020 Crediting Commercially Prepared Smoothies Smoothies Offered in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-04-2020
Calendar Year 2019
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
November 2019 Monitoring Requirements CACFP Monitoring Requirements for Participation CACFP-09-2019
June 2019 Day Care Home Expansion Funds 2019–20 Day Care Home Expansion Funds Request for Applications CACFP-07-2019
May 2019 Thresholds Federal Micropurchase and Small Purchase Thresholds CNP-01-2019
May 2019 Excess Funds Transferring Excess Funds between Child Nutrition Programs CNP-04-2019
May 2019 Reporting Changes in the Child and Adult Care Food Program 

Reporting Changes in the CACFP

May 2019 Audit Requirements Revised: Audit Requirements—Child and Adult Care Food Program CACFP-05-2019
April 2019 Site License Details Update Processes Site License Details Update Processes in the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System CACFP-04-2019
February 2019 Documentation Requirements CACFP Day Care Home Providers and CalFresh Participation - Action Required CACFP-01-2019

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Calendar Year 2018
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
October 2018 Administrative Manual Availability of the Child and Adult Care Food Program Administrative Manual for Centers and Day Care Home Sponsors CACFP-09-2018
August 2018 Cooperative Agreements Questions and Answers: Purchasing Goods and Services Using Cooperative Agreements, Agents, and Third-party Services CNP-07-2018
June 2018 Day Care Home Expansion Funds 2018–19 Day Care Home Expansion Funds Request for Applications CACFP-03-2018
June 2018 Lease or Rental Costs Real Estate Lease or Rental Costs CACFP-06-2018
June 2018 Permanent Agreement Sponsor and Provider Permanent Agreement CACFP-05-2018
June 2018 Locally Produced Foods Purchase of Locally Produced Foods CNP-06-2018
June 2018 Market Basket Analysis Market Basket Analysis When Procuring Program Goods and Modifying Contracted-for Product Lists CNP-04-2018
June 2018 Five-day Reconciliation Conducting a Five-day Reconciliation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program CACFP-04-2018
June 2018 Kin-GAP Discontinuation of Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program for Meal Eligibility CNP-09-2018
May 2018 Perishable Foods Perishable Foods in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-05-2018
February 2018 The Use of Share Tables The Use of Share Tables CNP-03-2018
February 2018 Donation of Leftover Food Guidance on the Donation of Leftover Food in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-02-2018
January 2018 Incentive Awards Incentive Awards of Minimal Value CACFP-01-2018

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Calendar Year 2017
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
November 2017 Reimbursement Claim Reimbursement Claim One-time Only Exception Submission Deadline Policy Clarification CNP-07-2017
September 2017 Meal Pattern Crediting Tofu and Soy Yogurt Products in the Child Nutrition Programs CNP-09-2017
September 2017 Enrollment Documentation Enrollment Documentation in Child Care Centers and Day Care Homes CACFP-11-2017
September 2017 Accommodate Disabilities Modifications to Accommodate Disabilities in the Child and Adult Care Food Program and the Summer Food Service Program CACFP-08-2017
July 2017 Financial Management Recording of All Costs Through Generally Accepted Accounting Principles CACFP-06-2017
May 2017 Funding Annual Audit Status Certification Form Requirements for Organizations Participating in the California Department of Education Nutrition Programs - Action Required CNP-04-2017
May 2017 Taking Food Components Off-site in the At-risk Afterschool Meals Program

Taking Food Components Off-site CACFP-10-2017
May 2017 Eligibility 2017–18 Annual Income Eligibility Guidelines - Action Required CNP-05-2017
April 2017 Administrative Payments Procedures for Unused Federal Administrative Payments CACFP-04-2017
March 2017 Day Care Home Expansion Funds 2017–18 Day Care Home Expansion Funds Request for Applications CACFP-01-2017
February 2017 Potable Water Availability of Potable Water to Children and Allowable Costs CACFP-02-2017
February 2017 Allowable Costs Prior Approval for Child and Adult Care Food Program Allowable Costs CACFP-03-2017
January 2017 Eligibility

Eligibility Requirements for Military Families


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Calendar Year 2016
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
December 2016 Health and Safety Information

Health and Safety Permit and Fire Inspection Requirements for License-exempt Centers - Action Required

November 2016 Audit Costs Reimbursement for Child and Adult Care Food Program Audit Costs CACFP-11-2016
August 2016 Disclosure Requirements Disclosure Requirements for the Community Nutrition Programs CACFP-05-2016
May 2016 Independent Governing Board of Directors Requirement for Independent Governing Board of Directors CACFP-04-2016
February 2016 Grant 2016–17 Day Care Home Expansion Funds Request for Applications CACFP-01-2016
January 2016 Adult Day Care Eligibility Records Participant Eligibility Record for Adult Day Care - Action Required CACFP-02-2016
January 2016 Indirect Costs Indirect Costs in the Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program CACFP-03-2016

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Calendar Year 2015
Release Date Topic Title Bulletin Number
November 2015 Codes of Conduct Written Codes of Conduct and Performance of Employees Engaged in the Procurement, Award, and Administration of Contracts - Action Required CNP-01-2015
September 2015 Revenue and Expenditure Tracking School Food Authorities Revenue and Expenditure Tracking for the Child and Adult Care Food Program and School Nutrition Program CACFP-07-2015
August 2015 Area Eligibility Area Eligibility in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-04-2015
July 2015 Eligibility Exceptions to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Policy Memorandum SP 42-2014, SFSP 17-2014, and CACFP 11-2014: Sharing Aggregate Data to Expand Program Access and Services in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-03-2015
July 2015 Meal Service Guidance on Prohibition of Separation by Gender CNP-09-2015
July 2015 Claiming Meals for School-age Children Claiming Meals for School-age Children CACFP-12-2015
June 2015 Product Documentation

Guidance for Accepting Processed Product Documentation for Meal Pattern Requirements

June 2015 Allowable Costs

Allowable Costs Related to Physical Activity - Action Required

June 2015 Meals REVISED: Food Consumption Outside the Foodservice Area CNP-05-2015
June 2015 Local Foods Local Foods in the CACFP with Questions & Answers CACFP-09-2015
May 2015 CN Labels CN Labels Copied with a Watermark CNP-08-2015
May 2015 Assessing Costs Assessing Costs in the Child and Adult Care Food Program CACFP-06-2015
April 2015 Disaster Relief Disaster Response CNP-02-2015
April 2015 Serious Deficiency

Updates to the Serious Deficiency Process—Day Care Home Providers

March 2015 Grants 2015–16 Day Care Home Expansion Funds RFA CACFP-02-2015
January 2015 Personal Activity Report (PAR) Documenting Employee Time and Effort in the Child and Adult Care Food Program - Action Required CACFP-03-2015
January 2015 Eligibility Determinations Guidance on Income Eligibility Determinations  Action Required CACFP-01-2015

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Calendar Year 2014

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Note: Bulletins dated 2013 and earlier are in descending order by bulletin number.

Calendar Year 2013
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-CACFP-15-2013 2013–14 Child and Adult Care Food Program Reimbursement Rates September 2013
USDA-CACFP-14-2013 Health and Safety in the Child and Adult Care Food Program - Action Required December 2013
USDA-CACFP-11-2013 Clarification Regarding Required Meal Claim Edit Checks and Block Claims - Action Required December 2013
USDA-CACFP-10-2013 Day Care Home Sponsor Administrative Payment Options - Action Required November 2013
USDA-CACFP-06-2013 Day Care Home Expansion Funds Request for Applications May 2013
USDA-CACFP-04-2013 Point-of-Service for the At-Risk, Afterschool Meal April 2013
USDA-CACFP-01-2013 Tribal Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program January 2013
NSD-CNP-08-2013 Child Nutrition and Information Payment System User Acceptance Agreement - Action Required May 2013
NSD-CNP-02-2013 Reimbursement Claims Resources March 2013
NSD-CNP-01-2013 Change in Management Bulletin Distribution Process - Action Required
Change in Distribution Process for Nutrition Services Division Management Bulletins and USDA Policy Memoranda
January 2013
NSD-CACFP-07-2013 Free and Reduced-price Meals Data File Availability and Effective Dates - Action Required April 2013
NSD-CACFP-05-2013 Contracting Out for Management Functions April 2013

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Calendar Year 2012
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-CNP-10-2012 Procurement Geographic Preference Q and As–Part II December 2012
USDA-CNP-02-2012 Rural Development Community Facilities Program October 2012
USDA-CNP-01-2012 Cooperation with USDA Evaluations and Research
Cooperation with USDA Officials and Contractors Conducting Evaluations and Research
October 2012
USDA-CACFP-22-2012 Adult Day Care Center Eligibility and Licensing/Approval October 2012
USDA-CACFP-20-2012 Rescinding USDA Policy Memoranda Relating to Adult Day Care Agencies 
Rescinding USDA Policy Memoranda Relating to the Adult Day Care Component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program
October 2012
USDA-CACFP-19-2012 Participant Eligibility in Adult Day Care Center October 2012
USDA-CACFP-17-2012 Serious Deficiency Process: Corrective Action Plans
Serious Deficiency Process and Acceptable Corrective Action Plans, National Disqualified List Procedures, and Debt Collection Process
September 2012
USDA-CACFP-16-2012 Health and Safety Standards
Health and Safety Standards for Outside-school-hours Care Centers and At-risk Afterschool Care Centers
August 2012
USDA-CACFP-13-2012 USDA Family Day Care Homes Monitor Handbook - Action Required April 2012
USDA-CACFP-11-2012 At-Risk, Afterschool Meals Component Q and A
At-risk, Afterschool Meals Component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, Questions and Answers
May 2012
USDA-CACFP-06-2012 Corrective Action - Action Required March 2012
USDA-CACFP-02-2012 Transmission of Household Income Information
Transmission of Household Income Information by Tier II Day Care Homes in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
August 2012
NSD-CACFP-11-2012 Retention of Source Documents for Meal Counts - Action Required May 2012
NSD-CACFP-09-2012 Additional CBAS Information for ADHC Agencies - Action Required
Additional Information for Adult Day Health Care Centers Regarding the Transition to the Community-based Adult Services Program
April 2012
NSD-CACFP-07-2012 Updated Eligibility Forms for Adult Care Agencies April 2012
NSD-CACFP-03-2012 Annual Statewide Media Release March 2012

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Calendar Year 2011
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date

Privacy Protection and Social Security Numbers - Action Required
Privacy Protection and the Use of Social Security Numbers

April 2011
USDA-CACFP-10-2011 Varied Timing of Unannounced Child and Adult Care Food Program Reviews - Action Required
Varied Timing of Unannounced Reviews in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
May 2011
USDA-CACFP-06-2011 Annual Update Requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program August 2011
USDA-CACFP-02-2011 Expansion of At-Risk Afterschool Meals
Expansion of At-risk Afterschool Meals in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
January 2011
USDA-CACFP-01-2011 Child and Adult Care Food Program At-Risk Afterschool Meals Handbook July 2011
NSD-CACFP-09-2011 Serious Deficiency Process: Annual Update Req.
Serious Deficiency Process for Agencies Failing to Submit Annual Update Requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program
September 2011

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Calendar Year 2010
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-CNP-05-2010 Extending Categorical Eligibility Q and A
Extending Categorical Eligibility to Additional Children in a Household - Questions and Answers
September 2010
USDA-CACFP-06-2010 Serious Deficiency Process - Day Care Home Providers - Action Required March 2010
USDA-CACFP-05-2010 Record Retention Requirements for Day Care Home Providers - Action Required August 2010

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Calendar Year 2009
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-CNP-03-2009 Extending Categorical Eligibility
Extending Categorical Eligibility to Additional Children in a Household
October 2009
USDA-CNP-02-2009 Internal Revenue Service Filing Requirements
Internal Revenue Service Filing Requirements for Private, Nonprofit Organizations
April 2009
USDA-CACFP-04-2009 Meal Disallowance Policies for Day Care Homes June 2009

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Calendar Year 2008
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
USDA-CNP-05-2008 Dollar Threshold For Payment of Underpayments
Dollar Threshold For Payment of Underpayments from Reviews and Audits Performed for School Nutrition Programs, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and the Summer Food Service Program
September 2008
USDA-CNP-01-2008 Crediting of Corn Meal and Corn Flour
Crediting of Corn Meal (Cornmeal) and Corn Flour for Grains/Breads Component in Food-Based Menu Planning
February 2008
NSD-CACFP-03-2008 Day Care Home Provider Transfer Policy - Action Required July 2008

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Calendar Year 2007
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
NSD-CNP-02-2007 Transfer of Agency Ownership
Transfer of Agency Ownership - Both Non-Profit and For-Profit Agencies
October 2007
NSD-CACFP-05-2007 Returning Uncashed Check Funds - Action Required
Procedures for Returning Funds from Uncashed Day Care Home Provider Checks
February 2007
NSD-CACFP-02-2007 Second Interim Rule: Household Contacts - Action Required February 2007

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Calendar Year 2006
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
06-223 Reimbursements for Non-Claiming Homes
Administrative Reimbursements for Non-Claiming Homes in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
September 2006
06-221 Enrollment Records and Block Claiming
Child and Adult Care Food Program: Second Interim Rule: Enrollment Records and Block Claiming
September 2006
06-219 Provider's Residential and/or Own Children
Eligibility of Day Care Home Provider’s Residential and/or Own Children
September 2006
06-210 Interim Rule: Emergency Shelters March 2006
06-208 Sponsor Monitoring of Facilities March 2006
06-204 Second Interim Rule: Application Process March 2006
06-201 National Flood Insurance Program Payments
Treatment of National Flood Insurance Program Payments
January 2006

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Calendar Year 2005
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title and Subject Release Date
05-210 Allowability of Cost for Insurance
Allowability of Cost for Directors' and Officers' Insurance in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
May 2005
05-203 License Exempt (TrustLine) Providers January 2005
05-201 Disbursement of State Meal Reimbursement March 2005

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Calendar Year 2004
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
04-201 Certification Regarding Principals, Board Members
Certification Regarding Principals and Board Members
February 2004
04-200 Administrative Reimbursement for Day Care Homes Licensing
Use of Administrative Reimbursement for Day Care Home Licensing
January 2004

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Calendar Year 2003
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
03-214 Effect of Bussing on Area Eligibility
Effect of Bussing on Area Eligibility in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, Summer Food Service Program, and National School Lunch Program
June 2003
03-211 Responsibility to Report Licensing Violation June 2003

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Calendar Year 2002
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
02-223 Eligibility of For-Profit Child Care Centers August 2002
02-216 Residential Care and Military Personnel June 2002
02-212 Private, For-Profit Unaffiliated Centers
Head Start and Private, For-Profit Unaffiliated Centers
May 2002
02-211 Use of "Stop Payments" May 2002
02-208 Terminations and Appeals of Family Day Care Homes Providers
Terminations and Appeals of Family Day Care Home Providers
May 2002
02-207 Late Payment Charges and Allowable Costs
Late Payment Charges and Allowable Costs to Child Nutrition Accounts
May 2002
02-202 National Disqualified List May 2002
02-200 Monitoring Requirements Revised February 2002

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Calendar Year 2001
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
01-216 Residential Care November 2001

Allowable Employee Compensation Costs
Allowable Child and Adult Care Food Program Employee Compensation Costs - Correction

May 2001
01-206 Questions and Answers from the USDA September 2001
01-203 Head Start and Private Unaffiliated Centers March 2001

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Calendar Year 2000
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
00-218 Small Business Administration
Small Business Administration and Related Organizations
December 2000
00-212 Public Law 106-224 [2 of 4] February 2001
00-210 Public Law 106-224 [1 of 4] February 2001
00-210 Establishing Eligibility for Free Meals October 2000
00-207 Miscellaneous Policy Clarifications November 2000

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Calendar Year 1999
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
99-206 Emergency Shelters Serving Homeless Children
Participation of Emergency Shelters Serving Homeless Children
August 1999
99-203 Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 1998
Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-336)
March 1999

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Calendar Year 1998
Bulletin Number Bulletin Title (Link) and Subject Release Date
98-205 Incorporated Providers October 1998

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This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

Child and Adult Care Food Program Logo, hands holding a heart shaped apple

Contact Us

CDSS Child and Adult Care Food Program
744 P Street, MS 9-13-290
Sacramento, CA 95814